Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Story telling and award winning marketing

I have talked a lot in past posts about why you need to consider story telling as key to your marketing programme and why personalised emotive stories create stronger connections with your clients. 
If you think that your business cannot tell personal stories here is a case study of an organisation which has found an innovative way of marketing the services it offers. 
 The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK.

On their website they have an award winning series of videos which demonstrate the initiatives they are introducing into health care.  The series perfectly illustrates how one can integrate story telling into your brand to promote what you do. It is no coincidence that the series is called The Power of the People and this is what they say about the videos.
“We explore five inspirational examples of innovation in health care.
Our series of five short films – the Power of People – is a unique and moving take on how the lives of people using health services and their families can be improved through the determined efforts of people working in health care." 

Lets look at the example of Gold Line: Bringing health care home.

 is a 24/7 telephonic service for people who have a terminal illness and are in their last year of life.

Run by nurses, this service provides care and support for patients and their families. The level of care provided by the nurses is such that it means that more people have been able to die in a place of their choosing (usually in the comfort of their home).

This video about terminal illness highlights the experiences and courage shown by the people who have been supported by the extraordinary nurses from Gold Line. Click on the link below to watch.

I defy anyone to watch these videos and not be touched in some way. You feel the Health Foundation is doing good and the memory of what they do will stay with you. 
Can you do something similar with your brand? Can you create a connection with your audience which will ensure their loyalty and belief in your work? Sometimes it means thinking out of the box.
This is not the only way the Health Foundation has been innovative in its approach to marketing. We will look at their other initiatives in our next blog.

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