Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Humanise brands with great story telling

"great stories and experiences are bigger than products and therefore humanise brands"

The Health Foundation in the UK teamed up with the Empathy Museum to develop a collection of podcast stories from people working in and using health and social care in the UK. 

The project, A Mile in My Shoes, believed that everyone has a story to tell. By sharing thirty five stories it wanted to showcase the contribution that individuals make to the health care industry.

This is the story of an organ donor nurse.

In 2018 A Mile in My Shoes won several DRUM awards, including Best Charity/Not-for-profit campaign, Best social good campaign, Best live or virtual event campaign and Best B2B content marketing campaign, as well as a silver award at the International Content Marketing awards for Best B2B campaign.

Here we get to walk a mile in the shoes of a paramedic working in the UK.

The Health Foundation quotes the Chairwoman of the Branded Content Marketing Association and member of the DRUM awards judging panel, Patricia Weiss. She believes that the greatest challenge of the century is to provoke empathy in people. 

"Content and experiences like that (A Mile in My Shoes) represents the perfect intersection between the brand purpose and what is really relevant to people. 
This is what happens when a brand could represent the society and also be a catalyst of a broader conversation that is more people-oriented and less product-oriented, because great stories and experiences are bigger than products and therefore humanise brand


In our previous blog post we illustrated how The Health Foundation produced videos that told visual stories which humanised their brand. They repeated this principal with podcasts. Their message is not just about a product, it is about the very real and human face of the brand that we can connect to and will remember.

Click here to the link to their podcast stories and here is a link to our own podcast The Story Teller

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